With all that we have come to understand about the cosmos, there is much we do not know. Richard Feynman, one of the greatest minds in the field of quantum mechanics said, “If you think you understand quantum mechanics, then you don’t understand quantum mechanics.” Our universe operates on quantum physics, meaning that there is no “common sense predictability.” We can measure the universe in both velocity and position, but not at the same time. Because we do not understand aspects of our natural world, does not mean that we will not someday. The unknown does not allow for a simple explanation.
When we could not explain the horizon, we simply calculated that the earth has an edge and if you go out too far, you’ll fall off. Calculating the curvature of the earth without the benefit of satellites and a globe was complicated enough. Bringing god into an equation only creates undue complexity, particularly in matters of science. Because the bible and religion has so skewed reality and misinformation is being disseminated as genuine education, we have to backtrack before we can move forward.
Having to move from hypothesis to working theory takes a tremendous amount of effort, research and time. Stopping this progress due to the “god did it” crowd wastes these valuable resources and stymies whatever benefit might arise from genuine science, such as advancements toward the cure of a myriad of diseases through the use of stem cells. This problem has been consistent throughout the entire history of scientific discovery. The ideals of science do not allow for the sudden halt of progress because some people attribute all that we do not yet know to the “higher ways of god.”
So, science marches on in spite of religion and in spite of the willful ignorance of those who would exchange the truth for a lie. The only way that we are going to advance in our evolution as a free society is if unbelieving Americans and those who are sympathetic to our cause step up and stop the election and appointment of religious fundamentalist, superstitions, myth-believing people in positions that can negatively affect our society.
Because of the continual infusion of ancient, ignorant beliefs, genuine scientific research is being systematically stonewalled. In many areas, the United States has lost its standing as world leaders, particularly in areas of education, science and medical research. If we continue to cling to that old rugged cross we are going to end up like those third world Muslim nations that the Christians are so afraid of. We will be a theocracy.
There is a lot in this article. I urge you to read the entire thing before commenting, so that one does not make an ignorant statement or jump to a conclusion.