By Bert Newton
... Over the years, I’ve marched and organized with this crowd, and what has always struck me is how they actually practice the way of Jesus even though most of them have no background in the Bible or Christ-centered faith.
Jesus led a movement to form alternative communities (churches) that practiced shared economics, inclusion of the marginalized and decentralization of authority. That way, everyone gets to be priests for each other.
Jesus led this movement from the margins of his society in Galilee to the center in Jerusalem, where the temple was. The ancient world knew no separation of temple and state, so temples, in ancient societies, were centers of political, social, economic and religious power.
Jesus went to the temple, the center of power in his society, and occupied it. He threw out the people who worked for the temple establishment and began teaching there about the alternative society that he called “the reign of God — a society where the outcast, the unclean masses, are given power and authority ...