New research shows that being Christian can be an extra risk factor for mental illness for gay people. Gay pastor Karl Hand on the importance of mutual respect and compassion
13 Oct 2011
By Karl Hand
New research shows that Christians experience higher levels of distress over about sexuality than those who are unreligious. This means that for lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people, merely identifying as a Christian can be a general risk factor for mental illness, a series of studies conducted by psychology PhD researcher, Babucarr Sowe, of Macquarie University have demonstrated.
For most people, faith is a source of comfort and peace. But new research is now demonstrating an exception to this rule. Many people have long suspected from anecdotal evidence and common sense that sexual minorities get a rough time out of religion. Now, the proof is in. Sowe’s research, which is nearly complete and has a large sample
size, is increasingly showing that LGB people who are raised in religious environments show worse mental health across the board, including depression and suicidality.
Sowe is no disinterested observer in the field, having served in pastoral roles internationally. It was his concern at the suffering of LGB persons in these religious contexts that prompted his investigations into mental health outcomes. His research indicates that for those who do not fit the traditional model of sexuality, religion is often the source of inner torment. This adds to the mental health burden already carried by the LGB community — in which decades of research testify to disproportionately high rates of psychological problems.
It is well known that the majority of Christian denominations are traditionally opposed to homosexual and transgender people on moral grounds, that such organisations are exempt from anti-discrimination law, deny people sacraments, employment and marriage rites, practise abusive forms of "ex-gay" therapy against the recommendations of all major medical and psychiatric bodies, and that religious lobbying groups frequently oppose the human rights of LGB persons.