Edited on Thu Oct-27-11 04:11 PM by Boojatta
If you believe that religion is anti-scientific and that religion influences the political process, affecting how science is applied in society, then what remedy do you propose?
I don't recall any advocacy for the solution proposed in the title of this thread. However, doesn't it stand to reason that business-as-usual for scientific research is likely to be counter-productive from the point of view of people who desire scientific progress, but who also oppose religion and the influence of religion? Progress in pure science will allow for applied science to have increasing power to influence the world. However, that power is under the control of people who either are themselves religious or must answer to religious voters and religious donors of money.
A message board is a place to discuss potential remedies. It's unlikely to be a place where you can influence a significant number of people. If you believe that religion is anti-scientific and that it shouldn't influence the political process, then what should be done? What's your solution, other than waiting for most people to join DU and then personally defeating them in debate so that they abandon religion?