The Ball State Daily News
By Emma Kate Fittes
Published: Sunday, October 30, 2011
Updated: Sunday, October 30, 2011 20:10
The club is currently searching for a new venue from Bracken Library because their weekly meetings 9 p.m. on Monday have expanded to include about 25 to 30 members.
As a theological expression group, the meetings consist of members discussing different topics relating to religion.
"We do things ranging from ethics and morality to reincarnation and the afterlife." Dittmann said. "We've realized it's really important to be a place for as many religious minorities as we can be."
"There's not really a place where Buddhists on campus, or Hindus or beyond the religious practices of a form of Christianity, can go and talk about their faith openly." Dittmann said. "They may be discriminated against or they just may not feel comfortable in that sort of environment. So we try to be there as a place for them to come and talk about those kind of things."