I don't wish to suggest that, if the answer is yes, then this compensates for authorities high in a church hierarchy negligently allowing those lower in the hierarchy to abuse children. However, it suggests that even if you could wave a wand and magically cause all churches to disappear, there might be the same amount of child abuse as there is now. Of course, another possibility is that there would be less child abuse.
In the case of children who are home-schooled, help from a church might be particularly important. What options do children who are home-schooled and home-churched (is that a new word?) have if they are abused by their parents? Under the law, are children allowed at least one hour per day outside in an exercise yard, like prison inmates? Do legal aid clinics answer questions from children? Do law enforcement agencies ever put a wire on a child who requests recording of sounds that might indicate what is being said and done to the child when there is no obvious third party observer?