"Discovering Religion is an original, documentary-style series on YouTube that explores a variety of topics within the framework of religion, science, philosophy, history and politics. The aim of this series is to expose the fallacies propagated by a literalistic view of religious doctrine through an entertaining, educational, and thought-provoking medium. Please leave your thoughts or feedback about the series or my upcoming projects found in the "In Progress" section. Thank you for visiting."
http://discoveringreligion.net/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b25fe_KR5U&feature=feedu"Ancient scrolls written many thousands of years ago could never hope predict all the moral and ethical dilemmas future societies would face. The Bible cannot speak to modern-day medical ethics just as it says nothing about insider trading, sexual harassment in the work place, or the ethical obligation of lawyers to defend clients known to be guilty.
I find it truly amazing at the same the ancient Greeks were refining a code of ethics by which to conduct the practice of medicine, the Hebrews were cursing Babylon and threatening to seize Babylonian infants and violently dash them against rocks (Psalm 137). These two groups actually coexisted, and you could not hope to find a better example of two morally polarized theistic belief systems in the ancient world."
Please enjoy viewing this 14 minute video, and see how you would answer questions of modern medical ethics.