why do so many people of all religions feel the need to be an exclusive club?
If you read the Bible carefully it leaves open the possibility that while there is only one God the Son, there is more then one manifestations of that entity...
for instance: Jesus says "the only way to the father is through the son" he didn't say "the only way to God is through me/Jesus."..
check out this page:
http://www.manvell.org.uk/warwick-leaflets/all-religions.htmBahá'ís believe that religion progresses from one age to the next, as conditions change and mankind's spiritual capacity develops. In this sense all religions are one, in that they are all inspired by God and are part of His great plan for humanity. In the sense that they arise at different places and times they are of course quite distinct.
If we look carefully at the scriptures of each of the great world religions, we will find that the spiritual truths, such as the message of love, the need for honesty, truthfulness and purity, can be found in every religion. They may be developed from one age to the next, but they always remain true, and they are re-emphasised when the next religious cycle begins:
"...these foundations of the Religion of God, which are spiritual and which are the virtues of humanity, cannot be abrogated; they are irremovable and eternal, and are renewed in the cycle of every Prophet."