Seeking the Hand Of God in the Waters
By Jose Antonio Vargas
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 31, 2004; Page C01
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Shlomo Amar, Israel's Sephardi chief rabbi, has said, "This is an expression of God's great ire with the world. The world is being punished for wrongdoing -- be it people's needless hatred of each other, lack of charity, moral turpitude."
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On his Web site, Bill Koenig writes: "The Biblical proportions of this disaster become clearly apparent upon reports of miraculous Christian survival. Christian persecution in these countries is some of the worst in the world." Eight of the 12 countries hit -- Malaysia, Burma, Bangladesh, Somalia, Maldives, Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia, he says -- "are among the top 50 nations who persecute Christians."
Koenig, who lives in Alexandria and started the site in 1996, sees the South Asian disaster as an example of Christian exceptionalism. "What happened, and we see this happen over and over again, was that Christians, supernaturally, have been able to escape from harm's way," says the self-described Christian fundamentalist. " 'For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, not ever shall be,' " he says, quoting from Matthew 24:21.
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Sutadhara Tapovanaye, a Buddhist monk for 38 of his 48 years, tries to explain it differently. This, he says, is a part of life, the dynamics of nature, an always-changing world.
More ... on Fri, Dec. 31, 2004
Tsunami challenges survivors' faith
Chicago Tribune
Some evangelical Christians believe the great waves are "birth pangs" leading up to the Rapture, in which Christian believers will be swept up to heaven by Christ before judgement is rendered on those left behind.
Todd Strandberg, founder of, a Web site dedicated to documenting the fulfillment of the Biblical prophecy of the "end times," said the tsunami should cause people to evaluate their lives.
"To have all those people die shows us that we have got the gift of life and a limited time here on earth," he said. "I think that's why disasters occur. He wants to remind us that we have a limited time on earth. And the survivors should take note of that."
Some Muslims also will attribute the disaster to divine plan, experts said. Though it may be difficult, believers are expected as soon as possible to recognize and submit to the majesty of God without losing sight of his compassion and mercy.
More ... earth lover view; "shit happens."