"The People's Catechism: Catholic Faith for Adults : Catholic Faith for Adults", except for some homosexual bashing (which I disagree with but it is still the formal teaching) in some of the first part it is not that bad.
I am a "cradle Catholic" and I went through when we had a progressive Bishop (who now has passed away). Depending on the parish you may get fire and brimstone, rules and dogma above all etc... style teachings, or you may get a more open minded, social justice style teaching. If it is possible, "shop around" for local parishes to do this. Go with one in an open parish that stresses hospitality for everyone and is not hung up on every little rule.
The pastoral letters of the late Bishop Lucker of the New Ulm, MN diocese may be enjoyable for you to show you that the church does not live soley in the building but is more in the outside world above all other things. CCC book you mentoned from Ratzinger is the more "regressive" form, as Ratzinger (who is now Pope Ben XVI) probably wrote that when he was the enforcer at the Vatican in the renamed office of the Inquisition. While as Pope his writings are more moderate and very complicated, take this book with a grain of salt and realize that you may need to learn some of the rules to get in to the church but they are far from the end all of spiritual discussion.
Edit: If you really want to take it to the next level after RCIA, also consider this book:"Revelation and the Church: Vatican II in the Twenty-First Century"
It gives a nice discussion about what teachings have changed in the past and which ones could change in the future.