in life outlook between people who expect the world to be a place where people are concerned about each other - "love each other" - or whatever you want to call it - and people who have the idea that people should only be concerned with their own self (and sometimes their own group).
This manifests itself in various ways.
It manifests itself in things like the Danish cartoon controversy. Does one think that people should show they have concern for others - respect others sensibilities - or does one think that "free" and highly offensive speech is not only more important - but should be implemented for the purpose of forcing others to accept offense?
It manifests itself in pornography. Some think that that their right to be amused supersedes other people's right to respect. manifests itself in torture. Some think that if there is any occasion of the torture of others benefiting them personally that there is no reason to condemn it - even if it is worse for everyone in the long run. As long as the people feel quite separate from the group of people being tortured - they don't
care about "those" people.
And so forth.
There are "left" and "right" examples of people in that particular group using that group as an excuse to not care about others.
In some issues - there is overlap. The Danish cartoons seemed like that. It seemed that people on the "right" had been more likely to absorb anti-Muslim propaganda - so it was easy for them to not care from that point of view. There were others on the "left" who had become convinced that the issue might infringe on their rights - if people were restricted from committing hate speech.
Some of us do see some porn (what most of the "free speechers" seemed concerned about) as hate speech - and would like to see hate speech either condemned or prohibited. One or the other. And some people are more interested in consuming hate speech than they are in living in a world of respect for others. (And I won't even get into the problem of sex slavery - but that takes it up another level or three).
Of course the Iraq war is a complete lack of respect for the entire country. And anyone who doesn't see it that way - is not considering the POV of the people living there. I think it's disturbing to hear people who only have concern for American soldiers - when the Iraqis have so much more devastation in their lives which is caused by our country and many of the same American soldiers that they are so concerned about.
Concern for the American soldier/concern for the Iraqi people - shows how it's not always a simple thing - black and white - as they say. You can't accept all viewpoints /everyone's "feelings" as being equal. Though it is natural to consider the feelings of those in ones group first. And one may have concern for the torturer (and some of them have some very sad stories - that our press doesn't show) - but it's difficult to do have concern for the torturer if (s)he is still torturing and doesn't see anything wrong with it and you have concern for those who are tortured - at the same time.
I think there has to be some expectation that people care about each other - or the world just seems like crap.