"I knew when I did this in November, I was losing control of my life, my plans," Sister Mary Dennis says.
March 22, 2006
6 News Reporter
OAK RIDGE (WATE) -- <snip> In November 2005, the 69-year-old Sister Mary, and thousands of others were involved in a non-violent protest at the School of Americas at Fort Benning.
Sister Mary says the school uses tax payer money to train Latin American troops who later torture, kill and restrict human rights in their own countries. "I can't fathom the agonies of families with disappearing loved ones."
But in the last protest, Sister Mary stepped over the line and the U.S. government charged her with federal trespass.
It's a charge she doesn't deny and says she did as part of her religious vows. "When I cross the boundaries there, I believe I must honor and trespass boundaries as love and trespass demands. I accept responsibility for my actions." <snip>