Re "Decadent evil thrives here in the consumer and authoritarian cultures,and it is coarsening the culture . Spirit and Soul are fading away here as the bodies with sould die and go home. I think there are less souls with true gnosis around...Now the texts come out because Ialdoboath is in such control of so many."
True gnostics suffer horribly with the living embodiment of Ialdabaoth in the White House, and all his archons running everything into the ground, and nobody apparently with the will or ability to stop them. I don't see the flesh and the physical world Yep it does. This is the "terminal madness"as evil per se, but I can totally relate to the Gnostic myth of an imposter-god who is a counterfeit of the true God.
The sheer spiritual power of Gnosis was a covert challenge to the
ruling military-political powers. For it was capable of restoring a
sense of authentic spiritual communion between individuals that
transcend the ethnic, class and cultural divisions on which those powers rested.This is why the Gnostic movement was interfered with.
Well If you want to believe flesh is good remember that when it is in pain,or when it gets sick,it may not be the flesh's fault its weak and corrupt but it still torments...The archon controls people through flesh ,for it is it's creation. And all flesh weakens, ages and dies because it is corrupt.
Throughout one's life, one witnesses death and misery, war, violence, anarchy and corruption. Instrumentalities of organized religions, of municipalities and of governments seem to be there to set the stage for such atrocities, to finance them and, finally, if questioned about their existence, to give excuses and to plead their acceptance. Their hubris is poorly disguised hypocrisy. Victors glorify war, the vanquished forever plot revenge.
Just as a person learns enough to stop making simple mistakes, it is time to leave the scene, to die! What chance has anyone got to progress? You have struggled past the accidents and the injuries and the diseases. But why did you have to be burdened with them in the first place? As a child you saw many of your peers die. What chance did they have?
And now you are older, seeing even older ones suffering the effects of planned incompetence and obsolescence in the physical vehicle you have been given, called the marvellous human body. What is so marvellous about it? It starts to rot the moment you step into it. It loses its teeth, its sight, its hearing, its brain function, its locomotion, its cardiovascular ability, its aerobic ability and its continence in many cases. What is great about that? Do you not think a being who is worthy of the name "God" could do a better job? the past it was always a little bit abstract, but ever since Bush took office it's become in-your-face personal, and it's a constant source of pain. I guess that goes for everybody on DU no matter what their religion, but when you look at it through the prism of the Gnostic texts and creation myths it becomes even more poignant somehow.
Yep this is the beginning of the end..Have you seen the changes right before your eyes? In the sun,in people,in the environment, Mental illness is rampant,species going extinct,desertification,disease pollution,the sun is brighter more UV rays to hammer our DNA and force mutations, "dark time" that causes illness cancer,damn. Anyways,,2087-2104022,00.html had hoped in my lifetime to see "the world become the Aeon." I took that as a promise, trusted it and had faith in it. Yes, I had hope for this sad, imperfect world, but only because I believed a light from beyond the world was captured within it and illuminated it. Sometimes (like right now) I ask myself if I still believe that. I think I still do, but it gets harder all the time.
The spirit is trapped here..But the cage(the world) has to be broken and die so the souls stuck here can be freed and go home. Consiousness is freed when the matter trapping it dies. Because matter is corrupted and a cage it just dissolves when spirit leaves it. You might as well let it go now and do not mourn your bodily prison because eventually your body will die..regardless of what you want.For some death is the end for others death is the first gnosis to liberation, The Gospel of Judas speaks of this mystery.
Edited to add: I just want you to know I enjoyed "Archons Hate Our Freedoms." SO true! Is that your blog?
No, But I liked it too. So I thought you might also.