on Spiritual Activism
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Washington, DC
PDA is proud to be a co-sponsor of the Conference on Spiritual Activism, May 17-20, 2006, in Washington, DC
We have a strategy for challenging the religious right—and we need your help! Please join us.
The Conference on Spiritual Activism is one step towards building a Network of Spiritual Progressives. Spiritual Progressives are citizens who identify as “spiritual but not religious” as well progressive religious people. This conference will encourage the Network of Spiritual Progressives to:
• challenge the misuse of God and religion by the religious right • challenge the hostility toward religion and spirit in some parts of the left • work for a new bottom line of love and caring in our public life.
The conference will revolve in part around the Spiritual Covenant with America in Rabbi Michael Lerner's The Left Hand of God: Taking Back Our Country from the Religious Right, which offers a blueprint for transforming liberal politics into a hopeful vision for America's future. It will also celebrate the release of the paperback edition of God’s Politics by Jim Wallis.
PDA is pleased to announce that Rev. Lennox Yearwood and Cindy Sheehan, PDA Advisory Board Members, will address the plenary session and PDA will facilitate a workshop entitled: Being Grassroots Spiritual Progressives in the Democratic Party.
Other conference speakers include Rabbi Michael Lerner, Jim Wallis, Cornel West, Sister Joan Chittister, Robert Thurman, Rev. Tony Campolo, Arun Gandhi, Christopher Hedges, Harvey Cox, Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Dr. Michael Gorman, Dr. Abdul Aziz Said, John Shelby Spong, Rev. Osegyefo Sekou, and many more. Other workshop topics will include spiritual economics, nonviolence, ecology and spirituality, faith in the GLBT community, aging and death, spirit and money, rediscovering awe, a spiritually centered labor movement, overcoming media cynicism, women’s spirituality, Buddhism and social healing, saving Christmas from the religious right, evolution and intelligent design, and many more!