of the United Methodist Church. I was raised a Methodist, though Dad didn't attend church at all, and Mum hadn't really gone too often since she was married.
UMs range from pretty far right....Bush.....to very liberal. Once I graduated from high school, I was really much too sophisticated for that church stuff...but a couple of years later I felt like I needed to go back. Isearched for a long time until one day, at the suggestion of my former bro-in-law, I walked intoo my current church and never left.
Our last pastor lead some Bible sutdy classes such as "How to read the Bible". She taught us how to do the exegesis necessary to be able to decide for ourselves what is and is not meant to be taken literally, or meant as a guideline or a "moral of the story" type tale.
Jesus, to me, epitomizes love, peace, equality, inclusiveness. I do, yes, believe in God, but not as a being, necessarily, but maybe an entity...no form...ergo no gender, race, language preference, or country of origin.
My own congregation voted, some years ago, to be known as a Reconciling Congregation. We said, (before the UCC saying it now), that now matter where you are in your journey of faith and/or life. you are most welcome with us for who you are. No need to hide or change. Just be, just belong with us.
I am looking at a small, colorful, hand sewn "stole", if you will, with a button pin from Cambridge Welcoming Ministries. The pin reads..."Religion is a Queer Thing". The stoles and the pins were given away, with our Bishop's full knowledge, at our annual New England Conference last year. A man's or woman's body is his or hers to manage as he or she sees fit. (We are getting closer and closer to schism within the UMC, and that is regretable, but maybe necessary).
The Bishop just lead the N.E UMs in a MA State House lobby day last week, to convince the state law makers to vote yes at a Constitutional Convention next month to declare that healthcare is a basic human right.
I believe Jesus was a liberal....I believe Jesus would weep at the actions of some, done in Jesus name.
OK...I have gone on and on...and probably not really answered your questions. But, as the saying goes...my faith is hard to put into words...harder to prove....and that's why they call it faith. My faith is strong and yet ever evolving(yes, I used the right word there). Each new pastor...The UM clergy are itinerant, with changes every several years.....brings a new perspective to consider and from which to learn, and, therefore, in which to grow.