Since when was it a god given right to not be offended? A few cartoons spark the muslim world ablaze. Why? "We are offended by the portrayal, it is insensitive." Umm, Ok, it is insensitive, but if you don't like the image, don't look. Muslims are not the only ones easily offended, many christians use the 'offense' excuse to justify their condemnation of others.
Homosexuality is offensive, evolution is offensive, stem cell research, abortion, prostitution, drugs and alcohol, foul language, Janet Jackson's breasts, and two guys up on a mountain with some sheep. The list goes on and on.
Again, if you don't like it, don't herd sheep, drink, cuss, well you get the idea. Oh, but we are "offended!" So what does it mean to be offended. You passed gas by me, I am offended? You put a bomb on my prophet, I am offended? I was curious, so I looked up a christian definition on the
christian answers web page.
(1) An injury or wrong done to one.
(2) A stumbling-block or cause of temptation.
The second definition is a problem left to the believer. I am not responsible for the temptation of others. If a christian is tempted by Broke back Mountain or tempted because of the availability of abortion, sex, porn, alcohol etc. Too damn bad, take some personal responsibility. What about the family? Again, your family, your kids, your problem. You don't want junior exposed to things you deem to be 'offensive' then do what you must to protect him. However, your protection ends with your family. Yeah, it would be easier if everyone in society thought alike, but they don't, get over it and move on. Breath, rant rant, breath......
The first definition is more difficult to answer. I don't wish to injure any religious person because of their belief, as I hope they would not wish to injure me for my lack of belief.
However, what battle line in the Christian Culture War on America actually harms christians? Homosexual marriage? Two guys on a mountain harms the christian viewer? Two women exchange vows of marriage and suddenly all married christians divorce? What about evolution? Little Johnny reads about Darwin and suddenly dumps his bible and starts posting atheist rants on DU?
Oh, but abortion does harm someone, the little innocent fetus is killed by the evil unholy abortionist? The fetus is out of luck, but how does the abortion affect christians? If you don't like abortion, simple, don't get one.
How about we look for a better definition of offense. From Websters,
'something that outrages the moral or physical senses.'
Now we have the flatulence covered. We also have the moral outrage covered. Moral outrage? Cartoons, scientific theories, two consenting adults etc etc? For society to function moral outrage must be contained, tolerance is the glue which binds people of differing opinion.
Easter sunday is a pain in the rear if you ask me, the stores are closed, you can't get a drink, religious people giving you the evil eye for not attending voodoo ceremonies. Oops, I am being offensive, please don't read this post.
Happy easter, or not................ :evilgrin: