I am of the opinion that if someone could show me empirical evidence, I might believe it. However, what is being passed off by organized religion, and not so organized spirituality, is taking an assortment of data and trying to draw a pattern where there isn't one. I think one of the most compelling arguments against the existence has to do with the fact that a number of the religions are more cultural in origin. You don't see a child growing up Christian, if they have Hindi parents, or Muslim if they have Buddhist parents. You could say that perhaps one's faith may be a choice, in much the same way that some folk of faith denigrate the GLBT community because they think that their orientation is a choice.
I'd like to think that there's someone somewhere who's powerful and watches over us, but I just don't see it. If you've ever listened to George Carlin... "I tried, but the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize that something is f*cked up". I see folks who live for their supposed next life who are unwilling to work to making this life better, for everyone. I see folks who use faith to create divisions, I see people who justify their hate of minorities, be it race/religion/orientation, etc., on the basis of their faith, and then declare that "He" is a "God of Love". I see the folks in the current administration who seem so enamored of the end times beliefs, that they are willing to seemingly move to set what they feel are the initial conditions for their version of the Apocalypse, and that, frankly, scares the living crap out of me. And what's even scarier, nobody is calling them on it! I'm of the opinion that faith needs to be questioned, otherwise it just degrades into magical thinking and navel-gazing. I'm of the opinion that organized religion has done much to feed the hate and discontent between people. Well over 2000 years have passed in the Middle East, and they're both still feuding over who's version of God is better than the others, and using their holy books to justify the most horrible atrocities, while mouthing the platitude that their god is great and beneficent. Keep in mind that the holy books have been translated and edited ( most times to support the current dogma of the church ) a number of times over those years.
That being said, I lean more towards the belief that such a deity doesn't exist, because I don't see the evidence for it. I'm not willing to completely discount it yet, because something still may happen which would convince me. On the days that I'm feeling more cynical, I'm of the opinion that organized religion is a tool to manipulate people into doing something detrimental to their own interests.
Regarding extraterrestrials.... I think it's the height of hubris to assume that we are the only intelligent life in the universe. They may be in the same boat as we are. They may have lived, had faith, and died, because they couldn't get past that faith, and used it as justification for extermination and the like, in much the same manner we seem to have done with the 'Ethnic Cleansings', a fancy term for genocide. They may be far more advanced than us, or inimical to us. They may find us amusing, with our beliefs in supreme beings. They may choose not to speak to us because of this, knowing the danger that irrational thinking poses to anyone who opposes it. They may not even be aware of us, may be thousands of light-years away, and limited by lightspeed, as we are. It's a nice thought, but as yet, no data to support the existence of them. I like the idea of extraterrestrials... It might humble us if we were to find out that we're not particularly special. I think that people have faith, because they do want to feel special.
I know that I am not an outstanding specimen of humanity, but I enjoy what I have of my life. I've met a young lady with whom I have a deep connection. She's not religious, and shares a number of the same viewpoints, and I feel my life is getting better because she makes me feel special, and I do my best to make her feel special. I wish I had met her 20 years ago, my life would've taken a much different course. Every moment that I spend with her is a moment of my life well spent. I do not need more than that. I am content with it. And when my time comes and it is the end of my life, I will be happy to pass away, having known good people, and having tried to make things better than they were when I was young.
As for MIHOP or LIHOP, I think that it is possible, but not likely. MIHOP, in my opinion, is completely out in la-la land, requires too much coordination. People only work together for a common goal when disaster strikes or their way of life is threatened. Otherwise, people's egos get in the way and there are far too many personality conflicts for it to be a coordinated plan to make it happen, in the way that some folks think it may have occurred ( planting explosives, etc. ). At best, it may have been provoked, but directing the way in which it occurred, is highly unlikely. LIHOP, however, is a bit more believable, but again, I haven't seen much in the way of real documented proof from either camp, and the current administration is so secretive as to make it difficult to determine. However, I can easily believe that someone was aware, somewhere of what was going to happen, and chose not to address it or inform the correct folks, on the basis that it would further their agenda. The PNAC paper seems almost like a blueprint in that respect. Use a major disaster as justification for expansionism and consolidation of power, at the price of human life, and all you have to do is to ignore the warnings. It's cynical, and a move I would not be surprised at, if the end goal was to consolidate power. About 3000 people lost their lives that day, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to the 300 million in the US today. It's a very small percentage. To be honest, it's the sort of thing I could see the current VP doing. I have no proof of it, so I will reserve my judgement on the matter. If, at some later date, it becomes apparent that the LIHOP scenario is true, I will argue loudly for the punishment of those responsible.
Finally... regarding conspiracy theories, meh. It's nothing but magical thinking until such point as the theory can be *PROVEN*. I have no doubt that there are conspiracies of various sorts, but not everything is a conspiracy. Get back to me when you have cold hard facts, and not just baseless speculation or abject paranoia. Unfortunately, there are folk on our side who believe in such things, absent the lack of any proof to support the claims, and those extreme viewpoints are used to vilify the Democratic party as a party of whackos. It's a good thing to have an open mind about such things, but it should not be so open as to let things fall out, like reason and common sense. Can it be proved that Bush was coordinating MIHOP or LIHOP? Not likely. Can we agree that he's made a number of poor decisions that affect a great number of people in a negative manner, and that seem to be almost detrimental to anyone other than his corporate, religious-right, and superrich bases? I think so. If he is to be spoken about, then it should be about the things which he has done which he can be proven, not those things we think that he's capable of. I think that we can agree that we've been tricked into a war that we did not need, because of cherry-picking of evidence. I think that's something that we can speak out about, but to say that he had people plant explosives in the WTC towers and remote controls in the planes, is baseless speculation. Perhaps in a number of years, it may be found in some archive that it was done in that way, but we cannot prove it today.
His poor choices in how to prosecute that war, the egregious violations of civil and human rights, those are things that are staring us in the face, and need to be addressed. The fact that nuclear strikes are being considered for Iran is another thing that needs to be addressed. We have enough ammunition with his current actions to seriously question his motives and sanity, we do not need to bring in currently unproveable conspiracy theories on an equal footing with his current actions and choices, it serves no other purpose other than to make *ALL* of our ideas come off as being whacko. Capone was a murderer, yes? What did they finally get him on? Income tax. Choose those things that will be obvious to Joe Sixpack. Gas prices, putting Joe's son in harms way in Iraq, for no clear reason, when the majority of the hijackers came from a completely different country. Joe's son coming back from Iraq, and there's no money to replace the leg that he lost. Those are the sort of things that the party needs to address.