This is an excerpt from a long poem written by Murshid S.A.M. in 1942. "Murshid Samuel L. Lewis is the first American born Sufi master. His life stands as proof that real spiritual realiziation transcends any sectarian barriers--besides being recognized by eight differen Sufi brotherhoods, he was confirmed as a Zen Master, as a Hassidic rabbi by Hassidic rabbis, as a master of Yoga and a teacher of Christian scriptures" (from the back cover of the book Jerusalem Triology by Murshid Samuel L. Lewis)
God is love, from love the world became, And back to love does everything return; Love binds the different atoms into forms, Love holds the cells of bodies as a unity, Makes possible marvels of growing life, Turns man into a miniature universe, And congregates all people into brotherhood; From love, the complete panorama of life-- Its abscence leads to death,to war, to fratricide. This is no mystery to the awakened heart; Peace on earth to men of universal will, Who rise above their selfish limitations And see the world as God would have them see.
Yesterday, today, tomorrow, it is ever the same-- Each mind presumes its own supremacy, Each mind fails to appreciate another Unless there is mutual communion, Yet minds are changing from one hour to the next. Tell Me, how can these imperfect mechanisms Become the instruments of that perfection Which can bring to man the desired goal of peace?