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Fanous Pat Robertson Quotes

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Proud_Democratt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-23-06 09:06 PM
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Fanous Pat Robertson Quotes

Quotes From the Religious Right

Here is what is probably the most interesting part of this site: a collection of quotes from leaders of the Religious Right, with a focus on Pat Robertson and the Christian Coalition. As usual, bold means that it is a quote; otherwise its me. Some of these statements are so stupid that they're almost funny.


"When I said during my presidential bid that I would only bring Christians and Jews into the government, I hit a firestorm. `What do you mean?' the media challenged me. `You're not going to bring atheists into the government? How dare you maintain that those who believe in the Judeo Christian values are better qualified to govern America than Hindus and Muslims?' My simple answer is, `Yes, they are.'" --from Pat Robertson's "The New World Order," page 218.

This pretty much sums up Pat's political philosophy. Unfortunately for him, what he espouses here is blatantly unconstitutional, as Article VI, Section 3 states: "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."


"The mission of the Christian Coalition is simple," says Pat Robertson. It is "to mobilize Christians -- one precinct at a time, one community at a time -- until once again we are the head and not the tail, and at the top rather than the bottom of our political system." Robertson predicts that "the Christian Coalition will be the most powerful political force in America by the end of this decade." And, "We have enough votes to run this country...and when the people say, 'We've had enough,' we're going to take over!"--Pat Robertson

Ah, the vision of a Christian Coalition takeover...warms the heart to a boil.


"The Constitution of the United States, for instance, is a marvelous document for self-government by the Christian people. But the minute you turn the document into the hands of non-Christian people and atheistic people they can use it to destroy the very foundation of our society. And that's what's been happening." -- Pat Robertson, The 700 Club, Dec. 30, 1981

Who was it that talked about having a wall between church and state? That's right, Thomas Jefferson...but what the hell did that guy know?


"It is interesting, that termites don't build things, and the great builders of our nation almost to a man have been Christians, because Christians have the desire to build something. He is motivated by love of man and God, so he builds. The people who have come into (our) institutions (today) are primarily termites. They are into destroying institutions that have been built by Christians, whether it is universities, governments, our own traditions, that we have.... The termites are in charge now, and that is not the way it ought to be, and the time has arrived for a godly fumigation."--Pat Robertson, New York Magazine, August 18, 1986

This is possibly one of the worst things that Pat has ever said. I challenge any of his followers to defend the idea of fumigating the non-Christian "termites." It astounds me that Newt Gingrich could publicly admire such a man and get away with it.


"You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist. I can love the people who hold false opinions but I don't have to be nice to them."--Pat Robertson, The 700 Club, January 14, 1991

Pat is a charismatic, Pentecostal Christian (meaning he speaks in tongues and stuff like that), and only believes that you are a Christian if you are "born-again." This means that all Catholics and most Protestant denominations are out-in fact, not only are they not Christian, they're downright evil.


"Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It's no different. It is the same thing. It is happening all over again. It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-based media and the homosexuals who want to destroy the Christians. Wholesale abuse and discrimination and the worst bigotry directed toward any group in America today. More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history."--Pat Robertson, 1993 interview with Molly Ivins
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Initech Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-23-06 09:21 PM
Response to Original message
1. "I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist. "
Hey Pat, you ARE the anti-christ! You represent everything that is soulless and wrong with this country.
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badgerpup Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-23-06 09:23 PM
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2. This guy scared me when...
...he referred to the person running against him as "my enemy" and not as "my opponent".
Was apolitical at the time, but knew right then and there that he was crazy.
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Dogmudgeon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-23-06 09:30 PM
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3. And in reply ...
Jesus wept.
(John 11:35)

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beam me up scottie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-23-06 09:54 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Hey!
That's a line from one of my favorite movies, Hellraiser!

Pinhead says it.
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Ready4Change Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-23-06 10:02 PM
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5. Last quote is fascinating.
True, over blown persecution complex. Easily debunked. However, the fear he promotes whips his followers into giving him more donations, so I guess I see why he says what he says.
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shenmue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-23-06 10:04 PM
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6. What a nutbar
Piece of garbage. :puke:
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NMMNG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-24-06 01:46 AM
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7. Pat Robertson to his congregation

And they keep lapping it up and sending him money like the sheep they are.
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Proud_Democratt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-24-06 05:01 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. Good post and animation!!!
Very creative, Buffy
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NMMNG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-25-06 12:26 AM
Response to Reply #8
10. Thank you
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Proud_Democratt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-24-06 07:15 PM
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9. Sorry...misspelled famous
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