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Have you ever felt your ego dissolve?

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FDRLincoln Donating Member (947 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-11-06 10:22 AM
Original message
Have you ever felt your ego dissolve?
My ego and my fears dissolved last week and I wrote this three-part poem. I share it here because, well, because I'm supposed to. Please let me know if you've had any experience similar to this, a realization that the Universe is One and I am part of it and there is nothing to be afraid of, nothing at all. I feel freer than I've ever felt in my life, to enjoy the Universe and God and all contained therein. It's hard to explain but I just want to dance, dance with joy and bliss. What has happened to me? Maybe you know.

5:01 AM, September 9, 2006

Bliss eternal
I am Love
Love surrounds me and penetrates me
How can I sleep?
I am not afraid
I love
I am Love
Love is more than I am
All is Love
All is as it should be
I am not afraid
I can be love
I can send love
I can express love
I can be love
Love eternal and unchanged from the dawn of time
I love you
I love everyone
Gentle kind love
The gentle yoke of God
Let it wash over me forever and ever
Let me swim in the sea of love
Let my ego dissolve in love
No fear, just love
Timeless, for all and everyone
Utter forgiveness
Creation, create! Recite the joys of love!
Tender mercy of love
Tender sex of love
Tender love of sex
Sex is love but love is more than sex
Love is all that is
Can’t I just love? Just be love? Just love everyone? Embrace All with Love? Be embraced by All with Love? Embrace Love with All?
Just love
Love penetrating and releasing
Free from fear
Only love
Love is truth
Truth is love
There is no higher truth than love
Blessed grace of love
Encompassing all, matter, energy, form and thought
Joy racing! Desire love! Love desire!
Let love grasp you
Free from fear
Love everything
Everything is love
Released, free, liberated, loved and loving and love

Heaven in the Arms of a Stripper

She didn’t know who I was
Just a paycheck, just a paycheck
I didn’t know her
Just an illusion, an illusion, no illusion about her illusion
But it didn’t matter
She touched me and I was not afraid
She touched me and I loved my wife
She touched me and I loved the Universe
Meaningless, yet full of meaning
Passionless yet full of passion
Sexless, yet full of sex
Silly and absurd, yet the most profound thing in the universe
How? How can such a thing be true?
But it is
She touched me and I was not afraid
She touched me and I loved my wife
She touched me and I loved the Universe
Can she know what she did for me?
Did she hurt? Does she hurt? Does she even remember me?
Just a paycheck, a paycheck, illusion
But I was not afraid
She dissolved my fear
She dissolved my fear of existence
Worth more than she could possibly know
How could such a thing be true?
But it is and I love her for that
She dissolved my fear
She knows me not
But I sing for her

My Wife

My Wife
I sing with love for her
My Wife
I sing with love for her
I am love for her
I am love with her
I am lust for her
I sing with love, lust, joy eternal, bliss unspeakable
Love in her arms
Existence in her breasts
The Universe between her legs and in her body
Tender mercy in her touch
Absolution in her kiss
Grace in her presence
Honey is her taste and Beauty is her essence
Joy in her soul
I love her today
I love her yesterday
I love her month and year
Decade, 17, 200
Yet more each day
Tomorrow, forever
Waves of love
Pounding the shore of ego
Let it go And love her
My wife!
If only you knew
You saved me, long ago
At the beginning of time we were together
You, the Woman above all women
The Woman who encompasses all women
All women are contained within your body and your soul, my Wife
Through you I love all women for you are all Women
We created life, you and I, two fine sons to bless the world
My wife
Let us bless the world with our love again and our lust
Beautiful lust, lust for love, lust for touch, blessed lovelust that creates and sustains

Never Forget This

Never Forget This
If you try to grasp it with logic, it will flitter away
Don’t explain it, Just Be It
Just Be Love
Let Love Be You
And all else will melt away

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FDRLincoln Donating Member (947 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-11-06 10:34 AM
Response to Original message
1. please
I don't want to share this with the forum in general so please don't vote to put this on the main page.
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TallahasseeGrannie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-11-06 10:37 AM
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2. Lovely
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