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UF football star Dunlap charged with DUI

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Scurrilous Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 12:06 PM
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UF football star Dunlap charged with DUI

"A top University of Florida football player was arrested early Tuesday and charged with DUI.

Junior defensive end Carlos Dunlap, 20, was arrested at 3:25 a.m. by Gainesville police Officer Robert Rogers at the signal light at Southwest Second Avenue and Southwest 34th Street.

According to police, Rogers was dispatched to the area to check out reports of a reckless driver in a Chrysler. Rogers said that when he found a car matching the description, it was stopped although the traffic light was green. Rogers said he watched the light cycle through several times but the car remained stopped.

When Rogers approached the 2000 model red Chrysler 300, he said he saw Dunlap alone in the car and apparently asleep while at the wheel.

"The front windows of the defendant's (Dunlap's) vehicle were cracked slightly and officers on the scene were unable to wake the defendant," Rogers wrote in the arrest report. "Loud repetitive commands were given to the defendant who would only open his eyes momentarily and nod back off."

Rogers said he reached in through the slightly opened window to unlock the car and noticed that it was still in gear. After shifting the car into park and turning off the ignition, Rogers and other officers said they noticed that Dunlap's breath smelled of alcohol, his eyes were watery and bloodshot, that he had trouble maintaining his balance and did poorly on field sobriety tests."


Florida's Carlos Dunlap suspended for SEC title game after DUI charge


"Just days before Florida's showdown with Alabama in the SEC Championship game, Gators junior defensive end Carlos Dunlap was arrested early this morning and booked in Alachua County jail on a DUI charge.

Florida coach Urban Meyer announced he was suspending Dunlap for Saturday's game in Atlanta. Meyer said after Tuesday night's practice that Dunlap had made "a very poor decision."

Dunlap's indiscretion could cost Gators a title


"So Carlos Dunlap, one of the top pass rushers in the college football, and now one of the top idiots after an arrest on drunk driving charges, has been suspended from Saturday's all-important SEC championship.

All of you sorry Florida football fans who were snickering at Bobby Bowden's retirement Tuesday, saying the man ran a program filled with kids who often ran afoul, well, you may all shut up.

Because Urban Meyer's top-ranked and defending national champion Gators, only about to play another national semifinal game with Alabama, have one more thing to overcome, in this case a truly major distraction, not to mention a sudden and rather gaping hole at defensive end."
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joeybee12 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 12:09 PM
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1. Tells you something about "student-athletes" - five days before the big game,
and allegedly having to attend classess and study(hah!) he does this. Kids do dumb things, that's why Urban Liar needs to keep on these kids.
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a la izquierda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-02-09 12:42 PM
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2. I guess spending that much time with...
Saint Timmy made him a better person. :sarcasm:
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