Watching this atrocious shit, I'm thinkin' maybe it's not so bad being a Chiefs fan.
Telly Savalas
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Mon Dec-21-09 10:07 PM
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Watching this atrocious shit, I'm thinkin' maybe it's not so bad being a Chiefs fan. |
Seriously, what the fuck was that play before halftime?
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Mon Dec-21-09 10:13 PM
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Don't sell yourself short. Losing to Cleveland at home. It's real bad.
Telly Savalas
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Mon Dec-21-09 11:55 PM
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2. Although the Chiefs are pushing the envelope of Suck |
the Redskins did lose to the Chiefs at home.
And at least the Chiefs-Browns game would have been kind of exciting to watch (for those not impacted by the KC area blackout of the game) due to the total absence of defense by both teams.
The first half of tonight's game was like a bleak existentialist European art film.
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Tue Dec-22-09 12:23 AM
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3. Joe Theismann had to be really pissed that he is not on MNF anymore. |
He would have ripped the entire redskins organization a new asshole! Each and every member.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:49 AM
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