Yesterday Craig James announced that he is considering a run for the U.S. Senate in Texas if Kay Bailey Hutchinson vacates her Senate seat to take over as Governor of Texas. Assisting James in the release of the news was a Dallas company called Spaeth Communications.
I’ve recently learned that Spaeth was also responsible for the release of the cellphone video Adam James took of himself in an attempt to damage the credibility of former Texas Tech Coach Mike Leach.
If you’re a political junkie, Spaeth Communications might ring a bell. More likely, you’ve heard the term “swiftboating,” which is derived from a p.r. campaign led by Spaeth CEO Merrie Spaeth to damage the 2004 presidential candidacy of John Kerry.
Prominent Texas Tech alumni and media sources have told me the past week that Spaeth Communications allegedly played an integral role in the firing of Mike Leach. In addition to the video of Adam James that Spaeth circulated to the media, I’ve heard growing sentiment that Spaeth was behind much of the anonymously-sourced information about Adam James’ alleged plight reported by the media.
I have contacted Spaeth Communications about those accusations and am awaiting a reply.
<>:wow: :wow: :wow: