It was heartwarming when the long-downtrodden Saints won the Super Bowl. It didn't get any less heartwarming when Drew Brees(notes) made the media rounds in the weeks after the game, establishing himself as the sweetest and most humble man in America.
Apparently, everyone on the entire team was an absolute ray of sunshine.
Scott Fujita(notes), a somewhat unheralded linebacker on that Super Bowl team, recently signed as a free agent with the Cleveland Browns. Before leaving town, though, Fujita did one more thing for the people of New Orleans: He gave half of his Super Bowl check to charity, half of that going to relief efforts in Haiti, and the other half going to coastal restoration in New Orleans. From
"The people of this city and region have been so good to me and my family that we just felt strongly about doing something to protect the city we have come to love so much, " Fujita said. "And helping on the coastal issue has been on the back of my mind since I first got here."
Take note, other free agents. That's how you leave a city. So far, the bar has been set at "hold a tearful press conference" or "thank the fans in a full-page newspaper ad" for a classy exit. Scott Fujita just raised it.,226444__________________________________
WHY, WHY, WHY DID YOU LET THIS GUY GO????????????????????????????