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New tale of Bonds acting like an a-hole

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dad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-05-05 12:01 AM
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New tale of Bonds acting like an a-hole

Ron Kittle is the one telling this story.

I walked up to Bonds at his locker in the Wrigley Field visitors' clubhouse, introduced myself and said, "Barry, if you sign these, they'll bring in a lot of money for kids who need help."

Bonds stood up, looked me in the eye and said, "I don't sign for white people." If lightning hits me today, I will swear those were his exact words. Matt Williams and other Giants were in the room and they heard what Bonds said.

I stood there for a minute, and the veins in my neck were popping. I've only been that mad a few times in my life. I was going to beat the (heck) out of him, really kick his (butt), but Williams saw what was happening, so he came over and got between us. Matt said, "Ron, that's just the way he is."

I said, "White guys aren't the only ones who get cancer," but Bonds had turned his back on me and walked out of the clubhouse. Somebody must have run in and alerted Dusty Baker, who was the manager of the Giants then.
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Jamison Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-05-05 02:40 AM
Response to Original message
1. That's ridiculous!
I know it's bad to say...but I hope he can't get back to form and is forced to quit after his injuries because I don't want to see someone like that break Aaron's HR record.
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enigami Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-07-05 12:15 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Can't think of anyone I would rather NOT see
break Aarons record.
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Mass_Liberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-07-05 05:15 PM
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3. wow
what a racist fuck. Screw him.
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Maestro Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-07-05 08:06 PM
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4. Please tell me this isn't true
Edited on Tue Jun-07-05 08:06 PM by Maestro
I know he is a complete asshole but racist too?! *uck him!!!!
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Fight_n_back Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-08-05 03:02 PM
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5. Get over it
He's a baseball player not Gandhi.

Do you know what was happening two minutes before a retired player he didn't know came up to him in the clubhouse?

I didn't think so.

He is one of the greatest baseball players ever. I can tell you a disparaging story about almost any player you can name does it make Cal Ripken less impressive that he was a prima donna that refused to speak to most of the players on his team? Does it make Babe Ruth a bush leaguer that he barely knew his teammates names? Does it make Lou Gehrig less a hero because he married a baseball groupie and wasn't always brave during his illness?

Calling Bonds a racist because he said something nasty to Ron Kittle is a bit hasty. Especially since Ron Kittle's Mom probably doesn't even have his baseball card.

Why would Bonds have an attitude about race? How about the fact that the Pittsburg Pirates gave Drabek and Van Slyke long term deals but let Bonilla and Bonds walk. How about the fact that since he came to SF there has always been a white player considered the "darling", whether it be inveterate racist Will Clark or wanna be redneck Jeff Kent. Whenever there is a black superstar on a team there are always excuses as to why he is not the most popular player on the team. Whether its Lynn and Rice or Rose and Morgan or about a million other examples.

Bonds plays hurt, is the smartest player in baseball and waited until McGwire and Sosa each made millions off steroids before succombing himself.

If you are looking to sports stars for moral clarity then you will probably be dissapointed.
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