If the Colts win, Baltimore almost has to win out to make the playoffs.
If the Ratbirds win, the Colts have almost no chance for a 1st round bye.
I predict the most royal nut sucking in Sunday Night Football History.
Theisman and McGuire will be teabagging Ray Ray and Peyton like never before. Worst announcers in football. I'd take Beasley Reece back anyday over either of these two fucking morons.
Oh, BTW, speaking of the AFCN - the Browns are pathetic...
Here's a little Holiday cheer for their bandwagon Ho's suffering from busted ankles and bruised knees:
http://www.cleveland.com/cuyahoga/p...79436222530.xml"Dan Castele of Westlake discovered that a holiday party conflicted with his plans to attend Sunday's game against the Chargers.
So he tried to unload his Dawg Pound tickets -- 37 bucks each, face value -- free of charge.
There were no takers.
So Thursday morning, he stepped outside his office and used two push pins to tack the tickets to a tree on West Third Street, just north of Lakeside Avenue. Up for grabs, they were still there in the afternoon.
Maybe a true believer will happen upon the tickets, but he's not hopeful.
"They might still be there in April," he groaned.
There is, of course, one way to ensure they're taken down.
Hire the Browns' offensive line to protect them."