And now, from the, “Dewey Defeats Truman” file, we give you: “Congratulations Miami!”
That’s how a near-full page newspaper ad read in Monday morning’s Miami Herald. In the mother of all mistakes — or should that be the “King James” of all mistakes? — somebody in the Herald’s composing department inadvertently slapped the wrong Macy’s advertisement in the newspaper, promoting Miami Heat “championship” T-shirts and hats being for sale at the department store.
Then again, it’s not like most folks in South Florida haven’t been presumptuous about the Heat’s championship aspirations since LeBron James and Chris Bosh signed in free agency and joined Dwyane Wade. Their signings were celebrated at a news conference, complete with pyrotechnics. James, the guy with the, “Chosen 1″ tattoo across his back, himself promised eight championships.
Still waiting for the first. Maybe everybody can have a collector’s T-shirt as a consolation prize weird. Hard to believe somebody could make a mistake like this. Maybe LeChoke is responsible..