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Timmy fires back at Cholly..

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Upton Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-11 06:14 PM
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Timmy fires back at Cholly..
Tim Lincecum had a fairly stunned look on his face when Phillies manager Charlie Manuel’s comments from last night were relayed to him. Lincecum wasn’t shy about returning serve, either. “It’s probably just frustration speaking,” he said.

Did Lincecum take it personally when Manuel called him and Matt Cain good but not great? Not really, he said. But he took issue with Manuel bringing up Lincecum’s gun readings while saying his stuff wasn’t dominant and the Phillies could get him next time.

“There are guys who can dominate throwing 87 (mph) and there are guys (hitters) who can hit 97,” Lincecum said. “It’s the major leagues. It’s all about execution. He’s probably speaking out of frustration and dealing with their first home series loss since however long you guys said it was. (It was April.) It’s something they’re not used to, and it probably has something to do with what happened in the NLCS last year, too. I don’t know. You’ll have to ask him.”
“Cainer was throwing the same numbers up there,” Lincecum said. “He doesn’t hump up unless he has to, and with his stuff, he still dominates teams. So I don’t know how miles per hour has to do with dominance.” Lincecum saved his zinger for the end — a reference to a certain 40-something former Phillies pitcher who barely touched 80 mph. “They had a guy, Moyer, right? Talk to him about that one,” Lincecum said.

That's tellin' him Tim...:rofl: Lets burn one..:smoke:

Hey now, Betran just got his first Giants RBI..

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Auggie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-11 07:43 PM
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1. Manuel will get his chance next week in San Francisco
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