Dolphins to honor Tebow before game against Broncos. Wait, what?
Imagine that your local professional football team organizes a ceremony to honor a recent national championship by a nearby college team. That doesn't sound like a bad idea, does it?
No, of course, not. Unless ...
• The beloved star of the college team you're honoring now plays for the team that will be attempting to beat the home team that day;
• You're essentially inviting a horde of fans of that beloved college star to attend your game, where they could end up rooting against the home team, because of their passionate allegiance to said beloved star;
• Your stadium also serves as the home field of a different college team, which happens to hate the college team you're honoring that day, and those fans could end up booing the hell out of the other college team's celebration.
This is the plan the Miami Dolphins have, though, and they're sticking to it. On October 23rd, when Tim Tebow (notes) and the Broncos visit, the Dolphins will be honoring the 2008 national champion Florida Gators. That was Tebow's team. And they'll be doing all this in a stadium that is also home to the Miami Hurricanes, and the Miami Hurricanes do not like the Florida Gators....