GOP Pitching High and Tight Over Ownership of Washington Baseball Team
by Doug Bandow
Posted Aug 30, 2005
But Congress, or, more accurately, the Republicans who control Congress, have taken a proprietary interest in the team. In their view, apparently, the team will not belong to the investors who purchase the franchise or even the people of Washington. It will belong to the GOP congressional majority.
Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va., who ironically chairs the Government Reform Committee, warned the league against choosing Soros' group. At risk, he implied, was the league's antitrust exemption.
"I think Major League Baseball understands the stakes," he explained. "I don't think they want to get involved in the political fights." He added: "They enjoy all sorts of exemptions."
It's ironic that the head of a committee charged with "reforming" the bloated, inefficient, and wasteful leviathan state instead spends his time attempting to allocate sports franchises. It's frightening that he wants to do so on a partisan basis.