This weekend I ahd to work, which really sucked if you wanted to know :argh: However, thanks to Blockbusteri was able to rent Madden 2007 so it wouldn't be a complete waste of 3 days(well once I got back home), and 2 things happened:
1) I have rediscovered what makes the NFL so enjoyable! Seeing the Redskins get smoked :rofl: was priceless!
2) And based on Madden and what happened in the Diebold Super Bowl :evilgrin:, I'm rooting for the OTHER Washingotn team--Seattle! nOthing against the Steelers, but the refs clearly got their rings too that day.
Oh and more more question--if I order the NFL Sunday ticket, are the games rebroadcasted later that eveing or in the week following? I don't have a dvd recorder yet, so I want to be able to watch the Seahwaks and whoever smokes the Deadskins again :nuke: