But I have studied film storytelling through extensive fieldwork:>)and
read any number of books on screenwriting in the pursuit of a
fictional aesthetic based on the true vernacular (Shakespearean)
medium of our time instead of the tired elitist ethic in the fictional
establishment today.
I figured if we could knock together reasonable 1,000 word treatment
we could expand that to a reasonable 5,000 word treatment and find
volunteers to do sections of the script--which would then be subject
to edit. I figured that by the time we had 120 pages down on virtual
paper someone with some qualifications might join us.
Truth is, though many have ideas, few seem willing to follow through.
Only a person called truckin has shown much persistence, and he or she
has been so far MIA when the question came down to 1) contacting the
owner of the book upon which s/he wants to base the script or
2) formulating a consensus strategy on how to go about contacting the
owner. So we'll see what happens there.
One experienced rewrite guy named Gordon25 has offered a completed
script on election fraud at the state level, which could serve as a
start. My reluctance to read his script is based on the rather
paranoid notion that we could put a lot of work into developing it and
if at the last minute he withdrew his approval he could even claim he
owns anything we do that touches on any areas his script touches on.
One way to deal with Gordon's project is if someone separate from my
original thread would read Gordon's script and start a separate thread
for working on that, and the original thread people would solemnly
swear not to read the Gordon thread.
I had a number of ideas when the project started, but since then have
adopted a role merely facilitative of others' ideas. Unfortunately,
there is very little overlap. Though perhaps 20 people have
participated in the thread, nobody but me is willing to put any work
into anybody else's ideas.
Thanks for your thoughts. My own experience with collaborative
projects has been disappointing so far, I must admit. But that was in
pre-internet days. I had hoped that our enthusiasm might exceed more
mundane limitations.
If you're interested, the thread is here:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=203&topic_id=390716&mesg_id=394864My summary of the initial ideas presented is here:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=203&topic_id=390716&mesg_id=391593My summary of more recent ideas is here: