Just something that popped into my head while driving home a few nights ago. Inspired by being called a Latte-Sipper once too often. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
I believe in a few basic tenets of life, Do unto others as you’d have done to you, Don’t lie, cheat, steal.
I’m an elitist…
I don’t think it’s ok to hate other people because they don’t live like me. Gay marriage? Help yourself… I’ve met some gay folks in my life. I can’t exactly point them out though, Shockingly, they looked just like you and me.
I’m an elitist…
Latte? No thanks. The 79-cent cup of “coffee flavored coffee” at 7-11 suits me just fine.
I’m an elitist…
I don’t want another soldier to die in combat for lack of proper equipment. I don’t want another soldier to die in combat for a cause that is never defined. I don’t want another soldier to spend three tours in combat and come back to find the VA No longer provides him support.
I’m an elitist…
I think John Lennon had a point. Give Peace a chance…War is over if you want it…
I’m an elitist…
I want YOUR children to have a quality education, including science, Because they are the future… Could your child cure cancer? Well, let’s give him a shot.
I’m an elitist…
I believe anyone can pull themselves up by their bootstraps…. Sometimes they just need to borrow a pair of boots for awhile.
I’m an elitist.