how struck I was at the honesty, the realism, of Ed's writing the first time I read one of his stories here. I told him I wished I could write as he did - clearly, and straight from the heart. In a few days, when I think I can open it without tears welling up, I will revisit the copy of Kazuko he sent me. It's a bittersweet story but also poignant and beautiful. It's Ed.
Not long before Ed passed away, I mentioned to him that I'd recently taken up the Irish whistle. I was thinking about sending him a link to an mp3 I'd made of my whistle playing, but I decided to wait to serenade him till I was a better player...so I didn't send it. Here's the mp3, now my humble tribute to a sweet, always-supportive friend whom I will miss very much.
(I guess because of the http-- the URL must be copied and pasted if anyone wants to listen.)