Okay, I've probably actually been sunk further into depression with three recent events in my life, but I decided I need to get off my freaking butt and try to get back to some writing. I am also crossposting this to another forum in the hopes that I get more people to give me input.
It's time for me to start fighting what I personally consider to be the "good fight."
I've been getting more alarmed at the influence the RRR has been having on America, and on a personal basis as well. I am becoming more frightened of what the seedy side of religion has done to a once articulate, intelligent and caring friend. It is getting more and more obvious that we are losing what appears to be a raging battle where people are just so narrow-minded and hateful and seeking an end to our life here that they are becoming stupider minute by minute.
I've decided to inject my opinion into the debate, with a long look at the bible of the fundies, their history, their mis-beliefs, their fanaticism and their intolerance. I'm going to delve into every element of their beliefs and try to tear them apart, one notion at a time. It's going to take a fairly long time, as the more I read, the more I will want to know. But the first draft will be largely based on my own secular and atheistic beliefs and my own emotions over what is happening to us.
The operating title of the book will be: "A Lesser God: The Cult of Fundamentalism."
I haven't looked at publishing options in a very long time. I figure the entire, finished manuscript will be about 10,000-50,000 words, if I become inspired. I need to know more about what options I have when it is finished. Self-publishing online is always an option, but it's not going to reach as many people as I would like it to. But traditional publishing is often a bastion of convervatism, and I don't know how many big publishers would ever consider publishing something so blatantly against the right.
Anyhow, at this point, I'm essentially just trying to put some thoughts together, let some frustration see paper, and then go from there. Any thoughts?