permalinks are predictable in advance.
(Permalink format is predictable; once the forum (number) is identified, then topic_id and mesg_id (the same, apparently, for the thread-starting post) define a specific post.)
The answer is yes... kind of; but the two id's are counts relative to the forum chosen (at least for these newer, smaller, forums), so this is only true if no other posts intrude on that forum, while one is posting. (And, as I discovered by creating this thread, the forum-total post-count (zero-based apparently) is not necessarily the mesg_id that one will get -- even if no other posts are made at a bad time in the forum.)
But it's an interesting concept (even if of limited utility): being able to fragment one's posts and use links to allow a little navigation, without having to fiddle around with the links post-initial-input -- and within the available editing-window.
I saw no need to leave messy fragments about, so I did as is commonly done -- deleted post-content and modified the subject to that effect.
I suppose I could have chosen another (slow) forum, but this one is conveniently located at the bottom of the page (if one's guess at a mesg_id is wrong, then checking the forum-total post-count has the potential to be a quick way to see what went wrong -- as opposed to trying something potentially more intellectually-challenging at 3AM.).
I have a number of old pieces (most such nonposts were deleted) that I never posted (for one reason or another -- often that I never finished them). And the idea of placing them (such as I ever finish: perhaps none) in one place (as opposed to thinking about where each should go) has appeal.