At least in the case of magazines, there are now online magazines, especially in the sf/f/h genres. There are also some new specialty anthologies and quarterly magazines published via POD. Those are small markets, and obviously they won't get someone the attention that publication in, say, Saturday Evening Post did decades ago, but they have the potential of getting one's work seen. That's especially true in the case of online magazines, although only a few of those seem to have established a reputation as serious/worthwhile/respectable (I'm searching for the right word) publications.
At one time, I was hoping that small publishers, such as Wildside Press, which has published my most recent books, would start getting wider attention, but that doesn't seem to be happening. That's at least partly because the distribution and retail outlets are dominated by so few players. There are some small publishers, such as Meisha Merlin, which seem to be successful at selling mass-market rights to the big boys.
I also used to hope that book self-publishing and small-press publishing would be able to establish themselves the way independent label music publishing and self-produced CDs have, but for whatever reason that hasn't happened.