Is it intended as a story as-is, or is this a synopsis/treatment of a story?
At present, it reads a little like the write-up on the back of a sci-fi video game. That's not bad, exactly, but it does sort of leave a bit to be desired in terms of story.
Perhaps more troublingly, the wording is rather opaque in a few places, making it somewhat difficult to wrest the meaning from what's on the page:
Chaos played against Order's strengths allowing mankind to indulge in any number of self destructive pursuits at which they were very skilled and apt to do.
So the game became the struggle between the followers of Chaos being so attached to the ease of being detached from the Chaos they caused and the followers of Order who could seemingly only act in the wake of the result of Chaos.
are a little bit clunky, don't you think?
Also, you seem to have a bit of trouble with commas, and their omission makes it even more difficult to parse the meaning of the text.
One last thing:
The followers of Chaos desired all to be orderly and predictable and easy and yet their desire for this caused more chaos still because when things are easy they are easily corrupted.
Why would "the followers of Chaos" want anything at all to be "orderly and predictable," when this would seem at odds with their nature?