Worse than the slowness and innaccuracy, however, was that the program acted like a virus and hijacked Word whenever I tried to use it.
That was a few years ago. I'm sure they've improved, but the experience was so horrible that it put me off voice recognition for good.
You might consider the benefits of typing, however. The best advice I ever got about writing/revising -- one that helped me out of a particular bad set of habits/roadblocks -- was to completely retype a text that I am revising and NOT always edit using a word processor.
The problem with editing on paper and then typing in the edits is that you get locked into a text, even if it isn't working.
If you have your text on paper and are completely retyping it, you will be willing to completely re-write and rethink what you are writing. You have no "investment" in what's already in the computer.
So taking this mass of handwritten stuff and typing it a little at a time may be your best (most creative) way of revising.