Preston Double party on Potomac Street Mukluks mug SF PD Adrian, Crown Prince of Westphalia, and heir to the throne of the Holy Roman Empire, had taken residence at the Potomac St. house. It was bordered on the south side by Duboce Park, stronghold of adolescent and pre adolescent Black Bandit children who inhabited the surrounding streets in the declining Victorians that filled the pre gentrification era Fillmore District. Potomac was only steps away from the dreaded Haight/Fillmore intersection. It was a real trip waiting for the Muni at that corner. Across the street from the house, also the last house on the street, bordering by this green space on the face of Black Fillmore was the Mukluk Manor, a bunch of maddened heteros, homos, food conspiracy types who prowled the corridor between Haight St and the meeting places south of Market. Grasshopper had 49 Potomac filled with antique and near antique kitsch items perfectly coordinated with the always present KMPX filling all your senses with the good music, and sometimes very bad taste of a bygone era There was no reason for a party other than a need for some extraordinary overindulgence in a vast array of drugs, alcohol and immoral, amoral life and sex styles that brought out Angels, near Angels, and camp followers that Mitzi knew and traded with. There was Preston…booze, Adrian… booze, Tommy Nevin almost drafted into rolling joints full time with Mitzi helping; along with close to 50 other assorted Aquarians. Preston, tall as she was, always insisted on wearing the largest headdress. Though she was not an official Angel of Light, she was included, if only for visual effect. She was aggressive. Tommy Nevin titled her “Preston the instigator”. On this day like many others it was pink chiffon. I think he called it the “mamer”. So short, that on Preston it was almost a tutu. A moderate, tasteful dash of glitter completed her outfit. Mercedes masqueraded as a bimbo from 1949 in a flowered house dress and a hat from St Vincent de Paul. She matched the fruit wall sconces and ivy wallpaper that confused the time space senses of all who entered. Mercedes was taking a wine collection (her usual way of getting booze for a party). Very little of the cash actually went to booze however, and most went to administration personnel (Mercedes). That day was cool, but the coolness soon melted as the beer and cups of assorted hallucinogens mixed with the costumes and gender fuck outfits of this band of love children left behind after the fall of the Haight.The two houses stood as the pillars of Hercules at the end of Potomac St., guarding access to Duboce Park. Locals wishing to visit this green literally had to cross the traffic back and forth between the two beaming citadels. The black children saw an opportunity to breach the normally secure homes. The black, white, glitter combo got out of hand by mid afternoon, with Adrian chasing the black children, and Preston defying innocent passers by. The arrival of several squad cars inflamed the revelers into a confrontation. Royal leaders Preston and Adrian hurling insults and assorted physical objects at the marauding gendarmes, and the ubiquitous black kids on the fringe. They (cops) charged, Adrian leaped over a bush, and Preston flew through the door, tossing her headdress to Mitzi, with the cops twenty feet behind her, flew up the stairs and in the door. Up the stairs, to the drag closet she dashed, dove in and covered herself with fabric, both matching and contrasting, and escaped. The police brushed aside the innocent Mitzi: they attempted to catch the fleeing drag queen. The appearance and aura of Grasshopper’s period forties home sufficiently confused these guardians of justice, so when they opened the drag closet door they saw nothing but multicolored rags and veils and assorted drag items. Not wishing to touch anything in there, they didn’t look under the first level, where the six foot two Preston lay silently. They lectured anyone who might listen, and withdrew for the afternoon.