Here are the first two paragraphs...
Firefly dusk, that’s what Grandma Donnagle called these late summer evenings, was coming on fast. At the moment, you could start to make out a few of those golden flickers here and there in the shadowy murk of the deep pine forest that ran up the hard sloping hill across the road. The air was thick for this time of year, sticky and moist, pressing down on everything as shadows grew longer but less crisp than just a few minutes ago. Like it or not, this last true evening of summer was closing in on the gathered clan.
They were hard wired for action, these Donnagles, and they couldn’t help but do everything possible to squeeze every single moment the day had to offer, it was their nature, especially tonight. And if you asked, not one of them would admit that they were keeping extra busy all day just to stop from thinking about what they all knew was coming tomorrow. That hard tension between what was and what was about to happen was so real they could all but taste it in the back of their throats.