Mitzi and the Queen of Lies
‘Tommy and Carmen were sweethearts, he wanted to give him everything, Flowers, presents, but most of all, a wedding ring…” You see Jose (Carmen) was an illegal alien from Argentina. For some reason it was decided he should marry a real girl to make his stay in this country more permanent, or at least not dependent on whether or not he got arrested. Eventually Sandy turned up at Sixth Avenue, and she liked Carmen. Sandy was the personal secretary of a wealthy drug dealer’s wife. Mitzi had just stolen some unguarded packages from a delivery; among the loot was a smallish diamond? ring and matching wedding band. Everything about it said Asia. This was fortuitous. Mitzi arranged everything for the wedding at Sixth Ave. Juanita the only one with a credit card, rented a sedan and we all piled in Mitzi, Carmen, Sandy, Markita(known to the book and record Companies as Mariquita Cocaigne)We were to pay a price for getting Juanita involved, or should I say letting him involve himself. Juanita had, unbeknownst to the planners of the wedding, included Ritchie, Tina, and Brenda (Joey Palazzola), who were waiting for us nearby at Stanyan St. The wedding went off without a hitch, except for Jose Miranda’s I.D. which had an assortment of birth dates, one of Carmen’s little surprises, that kept people awake. All parties finally agreed to use the CDL (CA Driver license), no matter what her passport said. Ritchie had a boyfriend in Reno who put up with this mob for the evening, but the other tenants soon objected to our party around the pool. We promptly headed back down I80 with the usual drugs and open containers. Tina kept the boys in the other cars entertained while she flashed her tits and passed bottles back and forth at 70 mph on the California freeway, scaring the shit out of everyone on board. Mitzi paid for a lawyer for several years on time to make Carmen legal, and finally, all Jose had to do was get her birth certificate and go to Vancouver with her passport and get her coveted green card. (The operative word here is birth certificate). The Queen of Lies would now have to prove her age. This was never done, the card was never picked up, both Carmen’s marriages eventually broke up, and everyone moved on. This is the same Carmen who crossed the penny bridge in El Paso and locked herself out of the U.S., but that’s another story.