The Miss Demeanor Contest or The Margrave’s revenge
Johnny Apple, one of the cuter and more rambunctious of the “Angels of Light”, was in trouble again. I can’t remember the circumstances, but he needed money for bail. Today, several hundreds of dollars seems negligible, but if you lived in a commune, and shopped at a food conspiracy, the bucks were slow in coming. Benefit concerts were all the rage in those times, the “Angels” having done their share, and had a healthy following, so one was dreamed up for Johnny, The Miss Demeanor Contest. The old Fillmore was procured for a hall, and all were invited to donate. The Page St Palace, the Footlights Club and Post St, and Sixth Avenue, all donated their best and brightest. Preston, the unholy, decided to trap Mercedes one more time. She claimed greasepaint in her blood, but had never gotten beyond the chorus. All her drag as a forties bimbo couldn’t heat up that greasepaint, nevertheless, Preston aka the Margrave von Wildungen, signed her up as a performer The hall was full, or at least as full as it was going to get. Tommy Nevin had supplied the refreshments. We all waited for Mercedes’ debut performance, as Preston had signed her up to be the first performer with her Page St Palace theme song rendition of “Fish gotta swim”. By this time however all the booze and drugs collided with her stage fright, and much to the delight of Preston, she froze. The audience howled, she then resorted to the one thing she knew best, passing the collection can, not for booze, as she usually did, but for the fallen Angel. The audience screamed, laughed and hurled the vilest of insults. The Miss Demeanor contest was in full swing, and although Mercedes was first up, she was already in last place. The contest included a contestant who was sure to win, Lady Divine. Later to be known simply as Divine. She wore a skintight leopard print leotard, and gold heels. Her baldhead was topped with a large blond ponytail coming out of the top. After she confessed to smuggling fruit into California, eating white bread, and using white sugar by the pound, the crown was unanimously awarded to the 300 lb drag queen. This memorable performance will always be emblazoned on my memory. Needless to say, Preston imitated Mercedes’ forgettable performance for the rest of his life. (He was murdered in Lisbon some years later).