I collaborated on a novel recently (a significant rewrite, research and editing - though prefer to have my name inside, not on the cover), and am now starting a marketing campaign. The author wants to go the route of traditional publishing, so I'm actively querying at the moment with promising feedback thus far.
I still would love a grassroots effort...I ALWAYS prefer a grassroots effort - ;-) - and would be most grateful if you guys could spare a few minutes to check out the video trailer I created for the book and increase the view count.
The video will, hopefully, give you a feel for the storyline (commercial fiction). :) I'm not posting the name of the novel here, because those pesky search engines seem to pick up on DU posts like wildfire. I'd prefer the youtube link or book website come up on Google. :)
It's on Youtube and Myspace. Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance!