Edited on Mon Jan-05-09 12:28 AM by nadinbrzezinski
I decided when planning it to use some elements of my personal life. Yes, I was the one who was bullied and called names at school.. oh some of them can be printed, most cannot.
Yes, I hated school
I dreaded going to school, wondering what next would I have to endure from classmates that seemingly could do no wrong from the administration, or had some form of protection.
I liked some of my teachers, but not all... after all, they turned a blind eye as to what happened in the playground, and the school library became a refuge from the rest of the bullies.
And to this day I cross to the other side of the street if I see (and that is an event) any of my classmates walking up
When I go down to visit parents I avoid the sports center, since I don't want to see them, even by accident.
Yet, the YA work involves a lot of this crap... and as I write... not only the actual chapters, but notes to myself from that experience, it is cathartic, but I have to realize that this is a form of torture. So next time you hear an adult claim that boys will be boys, feel free to slap them for me. Why even using this kid of abuse in a joke to me is all but acceptable.
But as a writer it also has a different effect. I need to write something that will help a kid get it... doing this is torture and you should not do that, And if you are bullied, stand up, if possible. But also hoping that a teacher or two may read it and get a clue... allowing this because boys will be boys, is not healthy for any school kid, both the victims and the victimizers.
My problem is how to avoid getting preachy.... and what plot devices to use to get my Dweeb! (Yes using the least insulting name calling) to shine and do the ethical things in-spite of what may happen on an every day basis. After all, our hero has to have problems... or it would not be a book.
I know sharing this is a pain. I also know that this is a special problem for a writer, how to stay "objective" while writing something that is closer to one's true experience... and to deal with the pain while at it.
Just sharing, and posing this as a subject for discussion, since we all know this crap goes on, regularly, at all schools across the country.