but in the US we like American stories, where the characters really don't change
Was doing some market research yesterday... and noticed that pattern in sci fi
Some major series, with life changing events, the characters remain the same, as these are serials.
Now if they failed to change in dramatic ways... that is one thing... but they simply didn't
I decided a while ago that I have a problem with that... and the character arc of some of these major characters took them through severe ringers... on purpose
But I also wonder if this is because the US, thankfully, has not seen a war in its territory since the Civil War (Yes the Indian wars were technically in the US... territories) and we have not seen these horrors personally
We saw a small uptick of not glorifying war after WW II... and some of the stories that came out Hollywood in the 1970s, were quite antiwar, but the few they've tried recently... no cigar
I wonder if we have a major crisis if the scales will fall off people's eyes?
Now to having others review your stuff... new writers are usually afraid of places like CC... have never had a problem... nor have I ever heard a problem there.
My two cents