STANZA... that is a book reader... I have even got things like a copy of strunk and white... if you write, well you know this one is a must have for writers. And yes there are other writing books to get later...
I got a dictionary in there too.
Writechain... this little sucker is more of a motivational tool. Tell it you will write so many words a day... and it is kind of yep I did it.
Writeroom... if you have it in the mac, you know what I mean... good rtf tool and probably the easiest to use between the two machines, though I might have discovered how to do paste emails into my quickoffice.
But my current one to use is called notebook. It is a notebook... and boy I am using it to do things like get ideas down, that and paper. It also counts words, (the information icon on the left corner, by the bottom)... so yes you can use it to plot, and do first drafts. I would never try to write more than a chapter, but it is flexible enough that you could create your notebook for the novel, chapters, characters, notes. Not sure I'd recommend it, but hey, you could.
Realize people have gotten novels published that were written on a device like this. And lord knows I gotten stories published written in my IPAQ, but you get the picture. Oh and quickoffice is a descent word processor, just hope they enable copy and pasting soon.