Edited on Thu Feb-25-10 05:08 PM by Ozymanithrax
Some pseudonyms were created way back in the day when women had a distinct disadvantage in Genre's such as Science Fiction. Andre Norton's real name was Alice Mary Norton.
Some genre's, such as Romance, just sell better with a woman's name on the cover.
If you are aiming to break into the thriving Christian Fiction market, having a name like Abdul Abulbul Amir will not help your sales, not matter how spiritual a Christian you are.
In earlier decades, people with non-Anglo Saxon names sold fewer books. This is similar to the reasons actors change their names. A ripping good western starring Marion Morrison doesn't sound like anything special. But if it has John Wayne in it.
Some published authors find that they can write more books they can sell. So they create a Pseudonym to make more money.
Some famous authors originally wrote under pen names because they were writing what was considered trash writing to make money and hoped, someday, to write something literate in their own name.
I've published several short stories under M. Frank Darbe, and have relegated by first name to an initial because I detest Melvin.
Write under whatever name you want. Just make sure they use your real name on any checks they send.