You may have already figured this out, but for any lurkers who haven't ----
Set your references as auto-corrects in Word.
For example --
The biblio entry might be -- Anderson, Bonnie S. And Zinsser, Judith P. A History of Their Own: Women in Europe from Prehistory to the Present - Volume I. New York: Harper and Row, 1988.
The footnote entry would be -- Anderson and Zinsser, pp. 24-26.
And you can turn that into an auto-correct of, say, AZ1, so that every time you type AZ1, you get "Anderson and Zinsser," and all you need to key in is the page numbers.
If you have two books by the same author, you give them different auto-corrects --
Atwood, Margaret. The Blind Assassin. New York: Anchor/Random House, 2000.
Atwood, Margaret. The Edible Woman. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1969.
could become AM1 and AM2, anything else that isn't a "real" word.
Obviously this depends on your footnote and biblio format, but you can see how it works and set it up accordingly.
I do a lot of transcription and I've learned a few time-saving tips, but there are a lot more out there I'm sure I don't know about. Am always glad to share when and what I can!