I signed with her 9-1/2 years ago when I began writing novels. I had three plays published at that time and my writing was strong enough to attract (2) Oscar winning actors. When I submitted my first book, the agent set me up with a star-maker editor in May, 2001. I met the editor over the $200 lunch, during which time I pitched my next project. At the end of lunch it was agreed that I would submit the first 50 pages of the second novel and have it to her by Labor Day and at that time we would make a two-book deal. Quote: "I will have a contract to you by August, September at the latest." I met my deadline, but then there was the WTC attack, anthrax scares, the Bush administration lies and nine months later I was told that "No one wants to hear about the dark side of the American family any more. But, if you have anything onAfghanistan...."
I finished the second book in 2003. It was sent to the same editor in 2004 and she held onto it for a year before losing interest. During this time I literally begged my agent to send it to others as giving the 'star-maker' an exclusive had never worked in my favor. I begged for help because I had a serious health problem that nearly caused me to starve to death before I was operated on in 2007.
Last August, I finished my third novel and it happens to be the one that means the most to me. I considered trying to find a different agent but since the agent I already have is world famous, I knew I would be fu#%ed if I fired her. So, now almost a year later and I've had only two conversations with her. The first conversation was when she told me that she liked the book and in the second all she would tell me is, "we've gotten a couple of noes," and that publishers "are using every excuse in the book not to buy." She has not responded to my emails (3 since last August) requesting an update on my novel's status (and thanking her for the work that she has done on my behalf). Two weeks ago, I left a message on her answering machine asking her where she's sent it, whether or not she is still sending it out, who said no, and whether she has received any comments that would be helpful to me in rewriting. I might as well be invisible. I suspect she doesn't want to update me because she isn't sending it out, but I don't know that for a fact. Getting a top tier agent is very hard; getting rid of one who isn't performing is scary.
Any suggestions?